Moving Beyond the “Curriculum Checklist”

When looking at curriculum documents, it may seem like there’s a never-ending number of expectations. How can we be sure to properly address all of them? How do we do so using an inquiry approach? If you are concerned that an inquiry approach requires more thinking and questioning time, you may wonder how you will have enough time to do everything. This webinar explores all these questions and more:

  1. How to focus on the overall versus the specific expectations.
  2. How to give students a chance to delve deeper into the overall expectations.
  3. How to build assessment tools that align with these overall expectations.
  4. How to structure mini-lessons to address curriculum expectations not addressed through student inquiry questions.
  5. How to integrate subject areas to address overall expectations from multiple subjects in larger blocks of time.
  6. How to work with prep coverage teachers to continue inquiries through different subject areas.

Audience: K-8
