Ontario College of Teachers proposes 13% fee increase

The College is budgeting for a $20 increase from $150 to $170 in the annual membership fee, effective January 1, 2020.

This means a total revenue increase of 13% while the College’s expenses will increase by only 4.8. There is a projected surplus for 2020 of $1 million (on a cash basis) and the College’s restricted cash reserves as of September 30, 2019 were $7.7 million (used, as necessary, to offset operating deficits).

In December 2017, the College proposed a fee increase of 20% which was strongly opposed by the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) and its Affiliates. That proposal was defeated because of OTF’s presentation to the Governing Council and strong opposition from members.

If you wish to communicate your opposition to the fee increase, following is a suggested tweet to Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT Council Chair; Michael Salvatori, OCT CEO and Registrar; and the OCT twitter account.

@Nicole_OCTOEEO  @Michael_OCTOEEO @OCT_OEEO – A 13% increase to College fees with expenses increasing by only 4.8% and with a College reserve fund of $7.7 million doesn’t make sense! NO to the College Fee increase! @OTFpresFEO @OTFFEO @AEFO_ON_CA @ETFOeducators  @OECTAProv  @OSSTF

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