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Character Education

Our project involved creating 8 mini Character Education lessons that could be easily delivered by senior high school leadership students to a group of Grade 9 students with relative ease. Alternatively, these lessons could be delivered by any teacher in any subject area in either junior high or high school. The purpose behind having senior …

Writing Graphic Novels

This is a graphic novel writing course that capitalizes on the popularity of graphic novels among junior-aged students.  As any good writing program must incorporate a reading program as well, these lessons include a book report assignment, a reading portfolio log and management tools as well as several lessons where the teacher and the class …

An Educator’s Quick Reference Guide of Programming Ideas for Students with Developmental Needs

This document is a quick reference guide for educators working with students with profound disabilities. Inexpensive easily reproduced ideas for students in small class placement or mainstreamed. Includes areas such as: general programming ideas; use of adults and schedules; specific activities; technology; creating a sensory room; integration ideas, including buddy system, empathy training, and trips; …

Grade 5 Units for Science and Social Studies

This resource consists of two design down grade 5 curriculum units. One is for Social Studies (Canadian Government) and the other is for Science (Conservation of Energy). While certain resources are named in the project, other resources may be substituted according to available resources. Canadian Government Unit – concepts related to effective debate presentation, becoming …