Enhancing Kindergarten Students’ Inquiries Through the Use of Technology in the Natural Environment
The goal of our project is to enhance kindergarten students’ inquiries through the use of technology in a natural environment. We created an outdoor learning environment for our students and used iPads to capture and share new learning.
Technology Integration into the Kindergarten Program
This project explores how kindergarten teachers can use technology effectively across all frames of the kindergarten curriculum with particular focus on iPads.
Coding in Kindergarten and its Impact on Mathematical and Literacy Development
The Coding in Kindergarten project highlights the importance of developmentally appropriate coding opportunities for our youngest learners in order to foster their spatial reasoning, estimation, numeracy, oral literacy and problem-solving skills.
Documenting Math with Technology
The aim of this project is for teachers and students to work together, using technology, to co-document math learning in a way that will enhance student voice during consolidation and increase teachers’ understanding of how children learn math.
“Tech”ing it to the Natural Environment
This project examines how technology can be used to enhance inquiry in the natural environment. Educators explored taking the learning beyond the four walls of the classroom and into existing outdoor spaces.