Student Wellness in Catholic Schools
“Student Wellness in Catholic Schools” addressed 5 areas of Wellness – Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social and Intellectual. We created programs that assisted learners with managing their stress, peer stress, and home stress using Catholic G.E.
Addressing Student Anxiety Through In-School and Local Programming
Building our professional knowledge about anxiety disorders at the school age child level to develop and implement a school-based program to reduce and/or manage student anxiety using the FRIENDS for Life model incorporating other wellness tools.
Achieving Well-Being and Success Through Self-Regulation
This project helped students develop skills and methods for managing their emotions (stress and anxiety), behaviours, thoughts, attention and focus as a way of improving academic achievement and success, personal well-being, and self-regulation.
Traditional Algonquin Knowledge and Wellness for Newcomers and Their Teachers
Our project focused on how teachers of Adult ESL courses can integrate traditional knowledge and realities of Anishinabeg (Algonquin) on whose territory they teach. This focus on wellness was applied to curriculum that meets MOE Expectations for ESL.