Financial Literacy in the Elementary Curriculum

Archived recording (March 7, 2013)

Are you looking for fun, interesting ways to build financial literacy skills in yourself and your students? This webinar will provide you with tools and resources to integrate financial literacy education in the classroom.  You will receive teaching tips and strategies, and use practical and relevant activities that engage students in their learning and enhance your financial knowledge.

Presented by: Chris Allum, IEF
Target Audience: Junior and Intermediate


Education site:
IEF Youth Financial Literacy Study
Edugains Financial Literacy
Teacher’s Learning section (book a workshop, PLC guide, curriculum map, etc.)
IEF financial literacy concept map
Mind Over Money lesson plans (K-12)
Duct tape wallet lesson (art edition)
My Furry Friends (cost of pet ownership)
Cranial Cash Clash game – test your knowledge!
Videos: Saving for an emergency
IEF Consumer site: