
AQ Kindergarten, Part 2 (Windsor, Summer 2020, Online)

June 8, 2020 to August 17, 2020

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Kindergarten
  • Grades: JK-SK

This course is expands on the theories, strategies and policies covered in part 1 and solidifies integration of a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of the whole child. Candidates will be applying their knowledge from Part 1 to take an in-depth look at concepts of active engagement, imaginative play and authentic opportunities for problem-solving in inquiry-based learning environments to further curriculum and program development.

Topics include:
·    applying the concepts of active engagement, imaginative play and authentic opportunities for problem-solving in inquiry-based learning environments
·    applying a knowledge of the stages of oral language, reading and writing development
·    applying instructional strategies for children whose first language is different from the language of instruction.
·    applying differentiated instruction and universal design in the planning, development and implementation of learning experiences in Kindergarten
·    applying knowledge of how to apply of the gradual release of responsibility model to meet individual learning needs
·    integrating observation-based strategies as a key component of assessment in the Kindergarten program
·    integrating a variety of effective communication strategies with parents/guardians to support a successful transition into kindergarten and grade one
·    implementing strategies for collaboration between the school and other groups such as early learning, child care services, community and parenting supports to promote learning

Please visit website for additional information.

  • Organizer: University of Windsor
  • Cost: Three-Part AQ: $685.00, Additional Basic AQ: $735.00, Honour Specialist: $735.00, Tech Studies: $725.00. See for details.
  • Location: Online
  • Website:
  • Contact: Centre for Executive and Professional Education
  • Phone: 519-253-3000 ext.6734
  • Email: [email protected]