Exploring Spatial Reasoning Through Coding
Teachers/students will learn how to code as a tool for learning. Teachers will engage in professional learning opportunities on how to use the various coding apps and tools and collaborate with a lead teacher to support implementation in class.
Math Inquiry Across the Strands
This inquiry addresses geometry, number sense, measurement in a social studies context. Our initial inquiry was the creation of a Winter Math Festival. The second inquiry was an investigation of societies around the world (historic and modern).
Taking Social Studies Outdoors
Connecting students with the natural world is an essential component in developing the habits of mind necessary to critically examine issues from the past, present, and future.
Implementing New Fashion Curriculum
Teachers from four school boards examined the newly revised fashion curriculum and created a resource that encourages the application of 21st-century competencies to engage students in deeper learning projects.
Got Real-World Issues? Engaging Students Through the Creation of a Cross-Curricular Collaborative Problem-Solving Adventure
This project provides resources to support inquiry-based, cross-curricular learning connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.