Interactive Spaces Using QR Codes and Augmented Reality (AR)

Resources Used

Knowing how to balance inquiry along with other pedagogical teaching strategies…

  • Reflect on ways to move forward
    • How do we promote inquiry?
  • How do we create school/classroom conditions to encourage curiosity?
  • More open-ended questioning, more curiosity
  • “How” and “Why” to students go about learning, not just the “What”

Brainspace magazine – An augmented reality magazine that offers more content through mobile devices, simply by downloading the free Blippar app. Launch the app, scan the cover or designated pages within the magazine and watch the pages come alive.

This article inspired us to consider alternative AR apps. The Metaverse app, in particular, provided opportunities for students to create learning experiences for their peer users.

Check out the inspiring Micah Shippee, PhD, Educator, Researcher and Speaker! He has launched a database with a collection of various examples of augmented reality for educators by educators and students.

Ontario Ministry of Education; Capacity Building Series

Getting Started with Student Inquiry

A link to the slide deck presentation shared at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) 3rd Annual Unleashing Learning Conference

“Interactive Experiences: Coding, QR Codes and AR in the Elementary Grades”

Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Global Competencies “these competencies foster deep learning through engaging experiences that incorporate creativity, inquiry, entrepreneurship, collaboration, leadership, communication, global citizenship, character, critical thinking and problem-solving.”
