Level Up Your Social Studies Program – Gamifying the New Curriculum

Area(s) of Focus: technology
Division(s): Junior
Level(s): Grade 4, Grade 5

Implementing game-based learning throughout our classes, specifically in social studies work, as a means to motivate and engage learners and develop critical and creative thinking skills.

We have created interactive learning modules for grade four and five social studies strands that utilize Google Apps for Education to allow students to broaden their background knowledge and understanding, to use critical and creative thinking skills, to convey meaningful information, and to apply their knowledge and skills through gaming-inspired learning activities. Our final products consist of standalone, modifiable online units of study that classroom teachers could use to teach and provide formative and summative assessment of the big ideas in the social studies curriculum.

Team Members

  • Leslie Mott

    Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

  • Fiona Tracey

    Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Professional Learning Goals

Our professional learning goals were to learn about game-based learning and to develop and refine our skills at using G Suite, in particular Forms, Slides and Sites, and a variety of engaging media resources to enhance our students’ learning experiences. We carefully studied the Revised Social Studies Curriculum to ensure students were meeting the expectations and deepening their understanding of the Big ideas.

Activities and Resources

The resources that informed our work are highlighted in the staff development resource indicated below. We used YouTube videos, websites by other teachers, www.breakoutedu.com, and time to work together to collaborate and problem solve the complexities of game-based learning.

Unexpected Challenges

The enthusiasm of the students’ learning made it difficult to stop planning outside of our funded time. It has changed the way we look at teaching, requiring an exploration of our priorities toward student engagement in all areas.

Enhancing Student Learning and Development

Our goal in this study was to enhance both student engagement and differentiation for learners. Our students have a range of abilities and needs, and it can be challenging to both engage and meet the needs of these diverse learners. Game-based learning allows all learners to feel challenged, to receive timely feedback, and to engage in competitive, collaborative, critical and creative activities, while meeting the demands of the curriculum. Like their teachers, students developed their skills with a range of G Suite applications, most notably Slides, Forms and Sites.   


We have created documents (below) which list our lessons and include links to all the interactive resources we have created. Additionally, we have attached our presentation as shared at the Digital Lead Learners Conference hosted by the OCDSB. This presentation is a slideshow, the final page of which is a link that leads to a website which is, itself, a digital breakout for our adult learners. While our resources are specific to grades 4 and 5, our presentation about game-based learning includes resources for all classrooms, K-12.

Project Evaluation

We believe that our project was a success in that we met our goal of becoming proficient at developing learning activities using G Suite. Throughout our social studies work, our students demonstrated a considerable increase in focus and engagement in learning. Their enthusiasm led to us incorporating game-based learning in other areas of learning, notably math and science. Previously there had been a focus on incorporating more language learning in other areas of the curriculum. Now, we are using technology to ensure that communication takes place through a wider variety of media forms, to ensure greater success for all. Being allowed the time to complete this project has ignited a passion for using technology in the classroom and a desire to design increasingly creative activities that meet students at many levels.

Resources Used

This interactive site documents other resources used, and serves as a game-based professional development resource.
