Team Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Division

Division(s): Intermediate
Level(s): Grade 7, Grade 8

Explored the impact of team teaching and collaboration between teachers and between students with our 3 intermediate classes. We collaborated to deliver a rich learning environment, improve instructional strategies, and make math accessible for all.

Our project is to improve our math program by exploring the impact of team teaching and collaboration between teachers and between students with our three intermediate classes. At Tecumseh, we are lucky to have many resources, technology and math tools to apply in our teaching, but what we need is time to collaborate to deliver a rich learning environment and to strengthen our instructional strategies. We would like to focus on applying math strategies such as spiralling the curriculum, exploring spatial reasoning, and the role of computational thinking while using authentic problems and activities to guide our math learning. Through the team teacher environment, we will create assessments that support the needs of all our students and be able to provide more targeted instruction. We will engage in teacher moderation of our activities and assessment to create a robust program.

Team Members

  • Corey Anderson

    Lambton Kent District School Board

  • Judy Rountree

    Lambton Kent District School Board

  • Karen Walker

    Lambton Kent District School Board

  • Val Volland

    Lambton Kent District School Board

Professional Learning Goals

  • We have deepened our understanding of the seven foundational principles for improvement in mathematics
  • We have developed a foundation of collaboration as an intermediate division to improve our ability to team teach
  • We have deepened our understanding of emerging research on mathematical strategies and tools
  • We have developed lessons that allow for different entry points in order to support our IEP and ESL learners
  • We have become more effective teachers through this process of collaboration as we merged our strengths and discussed our next steps in a collegial environment

Activities and Resources

  • We used release time to plan math lessons together that incorporated engaging and research-based math strategies
  • We accessed professional development to strengthen our understanding of using computational thinking, and technology (Makey Makey, Scratch Coding, Desmos) that we already have at our school to meet mathematics curriculum expectations
  • We collaborated with our resource teacher, Sue Bond, and board program consultant, Val Volland
  • We used the discussion tool for Paying Attention to Mathematics Education to identify areas to improve our mathematics program
  • We debriefed after classes in a supportive and collaborative environment to identify strengths and weaknesses of our program
  • We planned combining the students of our intermediate division into groupings that meet their needs

Unexpected Challenges

Trying to bring our entire intermediate division together in one space for team teaching and dealing with transitions and incorporating time for consolidation and reflection were challenges that we dealt with during the project. Bringing 60 students together and trying to deliver content and meet all the diverse needs was difficult. We overcame this challenge by dividing students into smaller groups and limiting transitions, while still maintaining team teaching and a collaborative focus.

Enhancing Student Learning and Development

Through a team teaching environment, we were able to mix students into different ability groupings, independent of class room assignment, which allowed for planning for parallel tasks to meet all needs. Working as a team, we were able to discuss different strategies between teachers and identify different forms of instruction and assessment to allow students to be successful at their level through open tasks with different entry points and tiered assignments. The collaborative atmosphere allowed students to approach any teacher in the intermediate division for assistance and support, and encouraged students to help each other regardless of homeroom assignment.


During staff meetings and Professional Development Days (PD Days), we shared our progress with teachers in our school. During the school year, we connected and planned with our board consultant, as well as during our TLC release days. Through shared professional Google Classrooms, we have shared resources and lessons learned during the process.  

Project Evaluation

Our project was a success. All of us have strengthened our instructional practice in all aspects of the program, including making strong curriculum connections and assessment strategies. We have really developed a collaborative and supportive environment that will continue on next year. Students have responded well to our contemporary approach of mathematical instruction and we have seen improved academic scores and a more positive mindset toward mathematics.

Resources Used

Paying Attention to Mathematics Education K-12, Ministry of Education

Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching by Jo Boaler

Gap Closing Resources EduGAINS