Using Developmental Continuum to Address Student Learning Needs

Resources Used

Lawson, Alex. What to Look for: Understanding and Developing Student Thinking in Early Numeracy. Pearson Canada Inc., 2016.

Small, Marian. PRIME (Professional Resources and Instruction for Mathematics Educators): Number and Operations Strand Kit. Nelson Thomson, 2005.

SanGiovanni, John. Mine the Gap for Mathematical Understanding: Common Holes and Misconceptions and What to Do about Them, Grades 3-5. Corwin, A SAGE Company, 2017.

Smith, Nanci N. Every Math Learner: a Doable Approach to Teaching with Learning Differences in Mind, Grades K-5. Corwin, A SAGE Company, 2017.

Fosnot, Catherine Twomey, et al. Contexts of Learning Mathematics – Multiplication and Division. Heinemann, 2007.