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May 2023 27 Events 1 2 3 4 5 6

Monday, May 01

AQ-Kindergarten Part 2 (Ottawa, Spring 2023, Online)

Provide students with opportunities to understand and implement the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum, policies and guidelines regarding early childhood education, apply theories of early childhood education, select and apply a variety of conceptual frameworks for this age group, apply and understand diverse theories in types and stages of play and apply a knowledge of …

AQ-Kindergarten Specialist (Ottawa, Spring 2023, Online)

Provide students with opportunities to deepen their understanding of the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum, policies and guidelines regarding early childhood education, build on theoretical understanding to design, implement and assess programs and/or practices, demonstrate leadership in the application of theories of early childhood education, provide leadership in the understanding and application of a variety …

French as a Second Language, Part 2 (Brock, Late Spring 2023, Online)

Course Description Teaching French as a second language in core and immersion programs at the primary, junior and intermediate levels including Ontario Ministry guidelines, language development, curriculum and unit development, language materials and visits to immersion classes. Prerequisites 1. OCT MEMBERSHIP showing completion of Part 1./ 2. CONFIRMATION OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE FORM Signed by a …

Honour Specialist – Science AQ (Lakehead, Spring 2023, Online)

This course is a study of curriculum development through the grades and includes Ministry of Education Guidelines; characteristics and needs of students; content and sequence of instruction; instructional grouping; methods; materials and evaluation procedures. Pertinent research will be considered. Credit Weight: 1.0 Prerequisite(s): Twenty (20) full course equivalents Nine (9) FCEs in major area with …

Intermediate Curriculum and Instruction (Intermediate ABQ) – English (Lakehead, Spring 2023, Online)

This course is for certificated teachers in any but the intermediate division. This course analyzes human development theories, curricular policies and guidelines, and teaching strategies and practices in English, as they apply to the intermediate division. Credit Weight: 1.0 Prerequisite(s): A recognized university degree Students must have three (3) full course equivalents in an acceptable …