Embedding Anti-Racism Education into Everyday Teaching Practice

Anti-Black racism is a troubling phenomenon that Ontario educators have become increasingly aware of in recent months. Creating teaching and learning environments where all students see themselves, can learn, grow and thrive is important to their success. Data show that not all students are achieving to their full potential due to systemic racism and other barriers to their success. There is growing acknowledgement in education that teachers’ practices must change. Antiracist education is not an “add-on”. To be effective and create lasting change it must be embedded into practice. This interactive presentation connects theory to practice, identifies ways that teachers can embed and weave antiracist educational practices in their everyday work, and explores strategies to sustain the work to combat racism and anti-Black racism over time.

Zoom Webinar – Presentation

Presenter:  Ann Lopez

Audience: Grades K-12


  1. Socrative app: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/
  2. Dr Lopez’s Framework for challenging Black racism in practice: Name it, Own it, Frame it, Sustain it
  3. 2018 book that Dr Lopez was lead editor for: Transformative Pedagogies for Teacher Education – See Chapter 3 –Examining Efficacy of Equity Education: Challenging Uncritical and Laminated Notions of Equity in Teacher Education includes difference between equity and equality https://books.google.ca/books/about/Transformative_Pedagogies_for_Teacher_Ed.html?id=g_6uDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  4. As a follow up to this session Dr Lopez asks that we all keep a journal of the changes they are making in their practice as it relates to anti-Black racism and antiracist education.
  5. Attached is the list of QUESTIONS asked by participants and that we will try to address in a follow-up webinar later this year.