Sharing Classroom Ideas for BYOD

This advanced session will provide time to collaborate and share ideas around how your students use their own mobile internet devices in your classroom. Come prepared to share your experiences and gain ideas from other teachers in Ontario. What devices do your students use? What tools have you noticed your students using?  What learning activities do you set up in your classroom to support student ownership of their learning? What approaches do you use to support differentiated instruction and assessment? What difficulties have you faced?

Audience: All levels


Explore Jaclyn’s extensive wiki for this session.  Topics covered in this wiki include:

  • Types of Devices (includes an excellent device by device pros/cons chart)
  • Digital Tools
  • Learning Activities
  • Differentiating Instruction with BYOD
  • Struggles with BYOD

Apps that work well with BYOD: Voicethread, Evernote, Google Drive, Showbie, Edmodo, Google Doc with lots more sharing tools
More resource links: OneNoteCollaborative whiteboard apps, Voki (“talking heads”), Audioboo, Home (video), Soundnote, Today’s Meet, Flubaroo, Voicethread wiki, Blended Learning Mechanics (PDF)

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