Useful Links for Critical Thinking
The centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques (CFORP) : On pense pédagogie
Foundation For Critical Thinking 
The Foundation and Center for Critical Thinking aims to improve education in colleges, universities and primary through secondary schools. This site contains critical thinking links and materials for purchase for incorporating critical thinking concepts into the classroom.
The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2) 
The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2) is a non-profit association of schools, districts, universities, teacher associations and other organizations working to infuse critical thinking into the teaching of subject matter from grade school to graduate schools. Resources offered on the website include:
Print Publications
Teaching resources that offer detailed, practical lessons and sound conceptual advice for embedding critical thinking into day-to-day teaching. Topics include: Critical Challenges Across the Curriculum, Critical Challenges in Law and Government, Investigating Sources, Tools for Critical Inquiry, Critically Acclaimed Resources.
Online Resources Collections
Searchable collections of online resources including lessons to teach the core “tools” needed to think critically, image sets and source documents related to key themes in social studies and science, critical challenges lesson plans on hundreds of topics from across the curriculum.
Professional Resources
A wide range of professional learning resources including a monthly digest of practical ideas, engaging professional articles, inspiring stories written by teachers, video resources and archived webinars.