The Learning Exchange external-link

The Learning Exchange, funded by the Ministry of Education and supported by Ontario Principals’ Council, offers a plethora of professional development resources for Ontario educators.


Teacher Learning and Leadership Program (TLLP) – Ministry of Education external-link

The Teacher Learning and Leadership Program is an annual project-based professional learning opportunity for experienced classroom teachers. The program funds proposals from classroom teachers who seek a peer leadership role in curriculum, instructional practice or supporting other teachers. The three goals of the program are to create and support opportunities for teacher professional learning, foster teacher leadership and facilitate the sharing of exemplary practices with others for the broader benefit of Ontario’s students.

New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) – Ministry of Education external-link

The New Teacher Induction Program supports the growth and professional development of new teachers. It is a step in a continuum of professional learning for teachers to support effective teaching, learning, and assessment practices. It provides another full year of professional support so that new teachers can continue to develop the requisite skills and knowledge that will support increased success as teachers in Ontario.

EduGAINS – Ministry Resources for Classroom Teachers, K-12 external-link

EduGAINS is the portal to resources developed and provided through the Ministry of Education focused on student and teacher learning. There are resources for teachers from K-12. These resources support Mathematics, Literacy, Differentiated Instruction, Assessment and Evaluation, English Language Learners, Financial Literacy, and International Languages (Elementary).